
Check out some of my animation and my animation process here:

Music - This is my Beloved by Mort Garson

… or watch some clips individually here:

Environment by Rianne Phillips

Shots from Thesis film Open Mind Open Heart

Character Rig/Model and Environment by Ausar Johnson

Kitchen Model by Fernando Alves Kitchen Props by GRIP420 Body Mechanics Rig by Joe Daniels

Shots from Thesis film Open Mind Open Heart

Body Mechanics Rig by Joe Daniels

Environment by Sarah Terceros, Ausar Johnson, Bianca Rawlings; Character Modelling by Ausar Johnson; Rigging by Anshul Katkar, Ausar Johnson

Character Models and Rigs by Phoebe Lam Environment Models by Phoebe Lam Motorcycle Model by Anna Volka Fishing Rod Model by Kathryn Yi

Corgi Rig by Brandon Schaal

Crab Models by Kimmy Ma Crab Rigs by TianHao Zhou Environment Model by Phoebe Lam

Seagull Model by Cara Fulton